Kalimat pasif (pasif voice ) yaitu kalimat yang subjeknya adalah penerima akibat dari tindakan dari subjek pertama. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia kita mempelajari perubahan pola awal kalimat aktif ke pasif dari "me- dan ber-" menjadi "di- dan ter-".
contoh kalimat aktif ;
- Pak Hasan membaca koran di teras depan rumah sambil mendengarkan musik.
berubah menjadi ;
- Koran dibaca oleh Pak Hasan di teras depan rumah sambil mendengarkan musik.
Pola dasar / rumus Passive Voice ;
Subject + to be + V3
Bentuk to be tergantung pada “Tenses” dan “Subjek”.
Bentuk to be:
Present : is, am, are (1.)
Past : was, were (2.)
Continious : being (3.)
Perfect : been (4.)
future/modal : be (5.)
Past : was, were (2.)
Continious : being (3.)
Perfect : been (4.)
future/modal : be (5.)
must : be (6.)
Contohnya begini :Aktif (me/ber) Pasif (di/ter)
1. They wash the clothes everyday 1. The clothes is washed by them everyday
2. They washed the clothes yesterday 2. The clothes was washed by them yesterday
3. They are washing the clothes now 3. The clothes is being washed by them now
4. They have washed theclothes 4. The clothes has been washed by them
5. They will wash the clothes tomorrow 5. The clothes will be washed by them tomorrow
6. They must wash the clothes 6. The clothes must be washed by them
2. They washed the clothes yesterday 2. The clothes was washed by them yesterday
3. They are washing the clothes now 3. The clothes is being washed by them now
4. They have washed theclothes 4. The clothes has been washed by them
5. They will wash the clothes tomorrow 5. The clothes will be washed by them tomorrow
6. They must wash the clothes 6. The clothes must be washed by them
sedikit tentang Transitive dan Intransitif Verbs,
Transitive Verb Yaitu kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk
menyempurnakan arti kalimat atau melengkapi makna kalimat.
Intransitive verb Yaitu kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek, karena sudah dapat dipahami dengan sempurna makna kalimat tersebut.
Kata kerja
Transitive diantaranya adalah: Drink, watch, open, take, bring, running, hunting, cook,dsb.. nah, transitive verb boleh berubah menjadi kalimat pasif (passive voice), sementara Intransitive verb tidak bisa diubah menjadi passive voice. Mengapa ? karena dia tidak membutuhkan objek, sementara transitive verb membutuhkan objek.contoh kalimat intransitive dan transitive seperti ini ;
He breaks his sunglasses. (transitif) ,
The sunglasses breaks . (intransitif)
The man buys a new red luxury car . (transitif)
The visitor still confused. (intransitif)
I create a new article. (transitif)
the sun rises from the west. (intransitif)
Slamat Belajar, smoga sukses !